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HUNT THE C*NT Read online
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Rob and Chris laughed as they listened to the pig-like grunting coming from the back of the van and the loud slapping of doughy flesh. It lasted a few minutes before they heard Dave cry out in what sounded like a powerful orgasm.
“Sounds like he needed that man." Rob said to Chris.
"Did you hear the sound of all that fat slapping about. Jesus." Chris said wiping a tear from his eye. “But you can't fault his enthusiasm, he was proper going for it."
“I know right, the van was on two wheels for a minute." Rob smacked the steering wheel as he roared with laughter.
Several minutes went by before they heard Dave call out that he was done.
When they opened the door the girl was dressed messily with her hands bound behind her back. Dave sat flustered beside her.
Rob peered at the woman in disgust, “get out my van you stinking filthy fat fucking cunt!" The woman whimpered and moved towards the edge of the van. Chris put both
hands in her hair and pulled her out of the van and watched as she lay crumpled on the ground. “Too slow fatso." He kicked her hard in the stomach and laughed, eyeing his best friend Rob and their new recruit. Even though Dave hesitated for a moment, he soon joined in and leant out of the van before spitting on the ruined woman.
Now Dave had been welcomed into their little team, now the double act had become a trio, they started planning the second road trip. And because Dave had been, to use Rob's words, such a fucking trooper, he got to choose the town.
They had driven up and down the seaside resort's high street a few times when Dave spotted one he was interested in. The three men sat in the front of the van.
Pointing her out to Chris and Rob and seeing their disappointed expressions made him sulk like a child, “Ah come on lads, you said I could pick this time."
Rob craned his neck to look at the woman who walked down the almost empty road. She was dressed for the office, two piece skirt suit, blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. “She's alright, a bit old for our tastes but."
Chris screwed his face up in disgust, “Yeah she's probably got a granny fanny."
“Come on." Dave pleaded, “I really want to do her man. She's probably been without it so long it's like another arsehole."
This made the two men laugh, was their kind of humour.
Rob nodded at Dave, “okay, but if she's got a stoma bag I'm going to rub it in your face you fat bastard."
Dave grimaced, "Well at least it'd give us all a new undiscovered hole." Chris roared with wheezing laughter, “You're on my son."
They parked so Dave and Chris could get in the back of the van before circling up the street again. When they were sure she was alone, they moved in for the kill.
HM Prison Low Newton, Co. Durham
“So when was it you decided to live life as a man?" The Psychologist asked flipping over a clean sheet of paper.
Rachel lit up another cigarette and coughed into her hand. “I don't remember the exact moment. I didn't have like an epiphany or anything, I just hated myself as a woman after what them arseholes did to me. My face was scarred from the road they had thrown me on, and the last thing I wanted was for anyone to see me as pretty. I ate and ate and self-harmed in every way I could think of, tattoos, piercings, I wanted to be physically ugly. I wanted to be repulsive to men."
“Did you want to be a man?"
“No, not really, but I wanted to be as unwomanly as I possibly could, so convinced the doctors that I wanted to be one. The hormone treatment helped with that a lot, facial hair growth and stuff." Rachel scratched at the five o'clock shadow on her chin.
The Psychologist gazed down at a separate sheet of notes, “But you've never had any surgery to complete the transition?"
“I found the extra weight and the hormone treatment made me convincing enough. Well I certainly fooled them pair of bastards for a year."
The Psychologist made more notes, “How did you find them?"
Rachel leant forward, “it wasn't premeditated if that's what you are thinking. Well not at first. Me and Nancy decided to live as man and woman, and I was out of work but had spent years doing casual labour on building sites. I was good with stuff like that, did a training course after me and Nancy quit the shit. I honestly was hired by them, didn't recognise them at first. I barely saw them when they raped me, and obviously twenty odd years changed us all. But it was when that wanker Chris Goodchild said that he was a right cheeky fucker, I knew it was them."
“So talk me through what happened with the first girl you helped abduct."
Rachel wiped a tear from her eye, "The poor thing was terrified when I climbed in the van, she obviously thought I was round three. I couldn't afford for her to give the game away, so I pretended to masturbate whilst I groped her. I made more noise than necessary, had to give the lads up front the impression I was going at it hammer and tongs. After I'd pretended to, you know, come, I made her get dressed and we let her go."
The Psychologist glanced quickly over her spectacles, “Did it occur to you to prevent the girl from being raped?"
Rachel's face sagged as more tears ran freely, “Yeah of course it did, I'm not a monster. But I needed to gain their trust."
“What happened on the night of your arrest?"
Rachel grinned a mouthful of tobacco stained teeth. “I always love that question."
Dave felt the van ease to a stop. Chris and he crouched down by the van's double doors, ready to make their grab.
They listened as Rob gave it all the patter about trying to find some imaginary location. A social club his niece was having a wedding reception in.
He heard the woman's voice, soft and southern as she tried to think if she had heard of the club or the made up road Rob had offered. As had apparently become a regular thing, they heard as a mobile phone was produced and the lady say she would look online. The wonders of modern technology.
This was their key to get and grab.
Chris opened the door silently, they had oiled it beforehand, it was crucial to the timing. Dave jumped on to the concrete, the soft soles of his running shoes barely noticeable. Chris handed him a black cloth bag and they crept round opposite sides of the van.
“Hey darling, is this guy bothering you?" Chris said with a macho swagger as he appeared from the van's side.
The woman turned to answer and Dave crept up behind her and pulled the bag over her head. She screamed and struck out an elbow into Dave's fat stomach, but was knocked into his arms after Chris drove his shoulder into her.
They loaded her into the van and Rob drove off.
Chris held the woman's arms behind her back and fumbled for the strong cable ties to bind them.
“Let's see what we have here then Romeo," Chris said pulling the bag off the woman's head. Romeo had become Dave's moniker when out on the road trips.
Dave smirked at the woman's genuine expression of unbridled fear as he slid his hand up her stocking covered thighs. “Mmm not bad for an old trout." He said grinning up at Chris. Dave whipped the handgun out of the special garter belt he and the woman had prepared previously and thrust the muzzle so far up Chris's nose he could almost see brains. “Don't say a fucking word."
The woman scooted over next to Dave, took the scissors from out of his back pocket and immediately cut through her bound hands.
Chris was frozen on spot, it was rare that he was the defenceless one.
The lady reached over and opened a blue toolbox, it was exactly where Dave had said it would be. Without a moment's hesitation, she took a reel of duct tape and first bound Chris's wrists and then mouth.
Dave grinned at Chris as Nancy screamed and hollered as though everything was going to the original plan and he grunted and pounded against the metal walls in their charade. After about twenty minutes Dave thumped three times on the solid partition to the van's cab. “Ey Bonzo, come on man, get your fill. She's a real good un."
Ten minutes passed before
Rob had found somewhere secluded enough and the van ground to a halt. Dave waited for him to open the door and then pointed the gun directly at his craggy old face. “Surprise."
Even though he had a gun in his face, Rob immediately turned and ran.
Dave had never fired a gun before but did so then. The bullet skimmed through the side of Rob's hip and he fell to the ground in agonising cries.
Dave/Rachel and Nancy went and got their other victim.
HM Prison Low Newton, Co. Durham
“We took the pair of bastards back home, to where their main warehouse was. Wanted them to be found on their own fucking doorstep." Rachel sat up in her chair excitedly, “plus there were plenty of things to play with there."
“What did you do?"
“I told them everything from the moment they threw me from their van to the moment I got back in and you know what?"
The Psychologist remained silent, waiting for Rachel's answer.
“They didn't bat an eyelid, and that cunt Goodchild laughed, actually laughed." “What happened when you and Nancy got to the warehouse?"
“First of all we cut their clothing off, we wasn't going to risk untying them. Then we tortured them, got inventive like, with their own tools. It was amazing what you could fit where with a little bit of force. Then I saw this adhesive we had used on some of the contracts. This was hard bastard super glue, binds most materials in a matter of seconds. We made them lie on top of each other, face to fucking face and glued the wankers together." Rachel fell silent and reached for another cigarette. She wanted the shrink to ask her.
“And then what happened?" The Psychologist asked, even though what happened was common knowledge throughout the UK.
Rachel giggled, sounding woman like for the first time in ages, “and then I ran over the fuckers, real slowly, with their own fucking steamroller." Her giggles deepened into witch's cackles as she laughed at her fond reminiscence. “Oh they didn't laugh then, I can tell you."
The Psychologist scribbled for a few minutes whilst Rachel finished laughing.
She put the pen down, removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. It had been a long session this week. “Do you have any regrets?"
Rachel looked wistful, “No, not really. It would have been nice to have actually heard the sound of their bodies being mushed together, or perhaps have a video of it to watch now and then."
The Psychologist didn't look amused. “Do you not wish you could have avoided jail?" Rachel shook her head, “No way! When I walked into these walls, the inmates fucking applauded me. I was an instant legend. I get hundreds of fan mail a week. Other girls, well ladies, coming forward saying that they think those two bastards did the same to them. I'm every poor little raped woman's hero." Her chin rose high with pride.
“And what about Nancy? Don't you miss her? Wouldn't you like to find her?"
Rachel's bravado fell slightly, “No way, we planned her disappearing, it's good to think she maybe enjoying life out there somewhere. But miss her? Yes I do, every day. But I still have her here in my heart." She placed a wrinkled hand against her chest before smiling mischievously. “And none of you bastards even know her real name."
The End
Author Biography
Matthew Cash, or Matty-Bob Cash as he is known to most,was born and raised in in Suffolk; which is the setting for his forthcoming full length novel Pinprick which is due for publication with Knightswatch Press in 2016. He is compiler and editor of Death By Chocolate, a chocoholic horror anthology and has numerous releases on Kindle and several collections in paperback.
He has always written stories since he first learnt to write and most, although not all, tend to slip into the many layered murky depths of the Horror genre.
His influences ranged from when he first started reading to Present day are, to name but a small select few; Roald Dahl, James Herbert, Clive Barker, Stephen King, Stephen Laws, and more recently he enjoys Adam Nevill, F.R Tallis, Michael Bray, William Meikle and Iain Rob Wright (who featured Matty-Bob in his famous A-Z of Horror title M is For Matty-Bob, plus Matthew wrote his own version of events which was included as a bonus).
He is a father of two, a husband of one and a zoo keeper of numerous fur babies.
Other Releases By Matthew Cash
Virgin And The Hunter
Pinprick (Coming 2016 from Knightswatch Press)
Ankle Biters
Hell And Sebastian
Waiting For Godfrey
Short Stories
Why Can't I Be You?
Slugs And Snails And Puppydog Tails
Anthologies Compiled and Edited By Matthew Cash
Death By Chocolate
Anthologies Featuring Matthew Cash
Rejected For Content 3: Vicious Vengeance
JEApers Creepers
Reasons To Be Fearful Part 1
Reasons To Be Fearful Part 2
Reasons To Be Fearful Part 3 [coming soon]
Website: www.Facebook.com/pinprickbymatthewcash
If you have read and enjoyed this, or even if you haven’t, I would be eternally grateful if you were to leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. I don’t do this to make money which is why I always opt for the lowest price tag on my books, but reviews are worth a thousand times more than the money. But the most important thing is your enjoyment.
Thank you for reading.
More titles by Matthew Cash.
Why Can’t I Be You?
Hell And Sebastian
Waiting For Godfrey
London’s Bleeding
Slugs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.
These can all be found on Amazon Kindle.
You can contact me on www.facebook.com/pinprickbymatthewcash
Copyright © Matthew Cash 2016